Web Scheduler

Create and manage your work schedule easier and faster than ever with Web Scheduler, a web-based application by FoodTec.

How it works

FoodTec Solutions brings labor scheduling functionality to your mobile device(s). View, create, edit, and approve work schedules on mobile devices whenever you can and from wherever you might be. Web scheduler is interactive and user-friendly, aimed at making labor scheduling easier and faster than ever before. Web Scheduler is available to anyone using Labor Scheduling on POS 9.0 and later.


Manage and create cost-effective work schedules on the go through a user-friendly, online application, the Web Scheduler.

Key Features

User-Friendly Technology

Web Scheduler is an interactive, web application that lets you easily and quickly create work schedules. One-click shift creation and the drag & drop functionality are among its most notable time-saving benefits. You can create a schedule either per employee or per role. Web Scheduler has a default weekly view.

Employee View

Web Scheduler displays the week's schedule for each employee so you know which days and for how many hours your employees are scheduled for work. This schedule view is editable; you can view, edit, and create new shifts.

Role View

Web Scheduler lets you view and edit your schedule by employee role. For each role; cashier, manager, driver and so on, you can see all scheduled shifts as well as create new shifts on the spot. This schedule view displays all employees scheduled for each role for each day of the week.

One-click shift creation

Hovering over a schedule cell displays the Shift Editor which creates a new shift with a single click. Schedule shifts in a matter of a few clicks; if you're creating a shift in Role view, the Shift Editor lets you select shift hours and then the employee for that shift.

Copy Paste Schedules

The Master Schedule functionality saves you a lot of time; it lets you create a weekly schedule based on a saved, previous weekly schedule. Set any weekly schedule as your Master Schedule then, model after it new work schedules to save time. Simply make adjustments where needed to ensure you can meet customer demand; add more cashier shifts, remove driver lunch shifts and so on.

Drag & Drop Shifts

Web scheduler makes shift editing a breeze. In Role View you can drag and drop a shift to any day of the week for your employees. For instance, if a cashier is scheduled for work from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Tuesday, you can drag and drop it to say, Thursday quickly and painlessly.

Intuitive Flagging

Web Scheduler helps you eliminate schedule conflicts, and save on labor costs by flagging shifts accordingly. Shifts in red indicate a schedule error/conflict, as in the case of scheduling a terminated employee. Shifts in orange indicate that the shift includes overtime work. Shifts in yellow are normal and require no further action. Clicking on a shift displays how many OT hours the employee is scheduled for (if applies) and their day's shift availability.

Overtime Work

Web Scheduler shows how many of the total scheduled hours are overtime. This lets you better monitor and control overtime labor costs. Web Scheduler displays scheduled overtime work for each employee, role, and day.

Employee Unavailability

Your Web Scheduler is up to date with employee unavailability - due to time off, vacation, sickness etc. - and it actually prevents you from scheduling an employee for a day or time they're not available for work. For instance, if a driver is unavailable from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. when attempting to schedule him/her for a shift, these hours won't be selectable.

Smart Technology Makes Errors Unlikely

Web Scheduler is truly intuitive. FoodTec has put in place schedule parameters and restrictions to ensure your schedule is conflict-free and you avoid costly schedule errors. For instance, you cannot schedule a cashier as a manager, or a chef as a driver. Also web scheduler doesn't permit the scheduling of an employee for work when the store is closed.

Schedule Post & Approve

Once a schedule is posted then the designated employee can approve or reject it. Schedule status, informs you of the schedule progress; Pending, Posted, and Approved. If the schedule is rejected, then it reverts back to Posted status to allow for further editing.


Web scheduler offers you vital statistical information to help you create accurate and cost-efficient schedules. Within the Web Scheduler you can view the hours, cost and percentage of the Scheduled, Actual, Forecast, and Approved hours in your schedule.

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